SAG Mill Components. Once the basic operating conditions have been defined for the mill designer then, and only then, can he begin taking into account shell and head stresses and trunnion bearing sizes required to carry the load and to give the required openings for feeding and discharging the mills. Mill heads are key structural components of
Speed Control of Slip Ring Induction Motor. 1) By Varying External Resistance: We know that a motor uses an external high resistance circuit for producing high starting torque. The resistance of this motor depends upon the slip, and independent of the torque. So, by varying resistance after the motor has attained rated speed, the slip value can
“The motor on our SAG mill is the fascinating part for me,” Hope said. “The mill is its own motor,” Tucker explained. “The mill is what would be considered the rotor in a motor.
Why using a starter for slip ring motors. In order to start a slip ring motor, the accelerating torque has to be sufficiently higher than the resisting torque. Higher is the inertia, higher has to be the accelerating torque, otherwise the start will be very long and the motor can be damaged by the heating. If the motor is started directly
For SAG 2, Siemens supplies two 8 pole, high speed induction motors to replace the existing slip-ring motors, eliminating all brush or slip-ring related outages and maintenance activities. The four identical variable speed drives (VSD) operating all four mill motors are Sinamics Perfect Harmony GH180 units.
ABB’s contact called for delivery of four dual pinion low-speed mill drive systems for two semiautogenous (SAG) and two ball mills, each consisting of two synchronous motors, converter transformers and ACS6000 frequency converters including active rectifier units that allow the mill drives to achieve a power factor of 0.90 leading.
A very basic overview, but the advantage of wound rotor slip ring motor is that, through a LRS u can vary the resistance of the rotor. The advantages are 1. able to manipulate the torque speed curve, allowing u start with a much higher torque. Wound motors are suitable for application with heavy starting duties such as ball/sag mills, crushers etc.
The Siemens 42-ft Gearless Mill Drive, still an evolutionary design approach? (SAG Conf. 2015) Optimization of the drive system for a cyclone feed pump (SME 2015) Increasing availability through advanced Gearless Drive Technology (CMP 2014) Design and dynamic behavior of large ring motors for grinding mills (SMMH 2012)
The standard inching drive motor is a NEMA or IEC frame typically foot mounted to a motor scoop or base plate. Typical motor speeds are either 4 or 6 pole, i.e. 1750 rpm or 1170 rpm for 60 Hz applications and 1450 rpm or 970 rpm for 50 Hz applications. The advantage of using a four pole motor allows for a smaller footprint and a smaller brake if
Slip ring motors are the motors of choice whenever high starting torque or low starting current are required. They are especially suitable for heavy load inertia applications. Already since 1927, we are a global manufacturer, supplier, and distributor of large slip ring motors up to 8000 kW and 13800 V.
Grinding and processing. WEG offers the most reliable and efficient solutions for milling plants for ferrous and non-ferrous products with their experience of mill drive systems. In the heart of a processing plant, the ball and SAG mills must be driven by solutions that adapt to the characteristics of the minerals in line with the whole process.
The GMD powers a 36‘ SAG (semiautogenous) mill at Carmen de Andacollo copper mine in central Chile. Carmen de Andacollo is an open-pit truck-and-shovel operation at an elevation of 1000 m. 90 % of the interests of the mine are held by Teck, Canada’s largest diversified mining, mineral processing and metallurgical company, headquartered in
Search through huge mining inventory of used Ball mills, Sag mills, Pebble mills, grinder mills for sale today and ready for shipping! Allis-Chalmers, , Hardinge, Fl and more! All sizes and horse powers available!
A SAG Mill is a semi-autogenous mill, used to crush rocks from 6” to less than 1 ½”. At Bibiani, the SAG Mill is powered by a 3.8 MW motor. The SAG Gear Box transmits the motor power to the drive pinion that interacts with the ring gear, to turn the Mill at 7 – 12 RPM.
Ring-motor drives were first used in cement industry mills and later in mining industry applications. The largest ringmotor- driven mill in the world is a 36-ft diam., 16,000-hp SAG mill that
Slip ring induction motor is one of the types of 3-phase induction motor and is a wound rotor motor type. Because of various advantages like low initial current, high starting torque, and improved power factor, it is used in applications that require high torque, cranes, and elevators. The rotor windings consist of more number of windings
A M King Industries has 3 more listings in 60 Hz Wound Rotor (slip ring-rotor) Motors. See All 8 Listings » Agitator Mixers and Blenders. Pebble, Sag Mills, Chemical Processing. See All 26 Listings » Bar and Rod Rolling Mills. 14 Results. Machinery & Equipment / Rolling Mill Equipment / Bar and Rod Rolling Mills.
You must manually check the motor''s tent diagram to confirm that the predicted power draw is actually within the motor''s capability at the indicated speed. Liner and grate design. The design of mill liners and SAG mill discharge grates will have a large effect on how efficiently the mill operates and the circuit throughput.
For more information: /15Iu5GGABB continuously extends technical and performance frontiers of ring-geared mill drive technology to fit site requ...
The ring motor is not self-supported and requires the mill to mount the rotor poles and needs the mill foundation to support the stator. In addition, considerations for mill load- SAG-Mill GMD delivered by Siemens. The aim of the test program was to identify all real natural frequencies in a modal analysis.
SAG mills of comparable size but containing say 10% ball charge (in addition to the rocks), normally operate between 70 to 75% of the critical speed. Dry Aerofall mills are run at about 85% of the critical speed. for the 20 MW ring motor alone exceeding A$1M. View chapter Purchase book. Read full chapter.
Assembly of SAG mill shell. Assembly of ring motor. Aligment of ring motor. Machining of ring motor. Winding of stator. Quality control. Assembly of pulley. Machining of pulley. Machining of pulley. Packing of half of pulley. PSP Machinery s.r.o. Přerov Kojetínská 3186/79, Přerov I-Město, 750 02 [email protected]
The scope of supply included a pair of slip ring motors of 9,000 kW at 1,000 rpm and another two motors of 7,500 kW also at 1,000 rpm and fully designed to be interchangeable with the old existing motors providing a smooth drop-in replacement. The motors are being applied in pairs to SAG and ball mills that operate through dual pinion drives
Highly specialized services, solutions and technical assistance ensuring. the operation’s availability and reliability. SAG mill Ring Motors. Ball mill Ring Motors. Frequency Converters. High current rectifiers for EW tank houses. Medium and high power synchronous motors. Low and medium voltage electrical systems.
(SAG) mill, ball mill, and crusher. A ball mill is a slightly inclined, horizon-tal rotating cylinder, partially filled with ceramic balls, flint pebbles or stainless the ring motor. This allows for continu-ous analysis of the system status and the ability to inform the customer in a
Gearless mill drive system (GMD) Go gearless to meet your business objetives by exceeding standard availability targets in your grinding operations. ABB’s GMD is the most powerful mill drive system in the market to power semiautogenous (SAG), ball and autogenous (AG) mills, This ’workhorse’ for grinding operations combines a robust
Grinding and processing. WEG offers the most reliable and efficient solutions for milling plants for ferrous and non-ferrous products with their experience of mill drive systems. In the heart of a processing plant, the ball and SAG mills must be driven by solutions that adapt to the characteristics of the minerals in line with the whole process.
SAG Mill Components. Once the basic operating conditions have been defined for the mill designer then, and only then, can he begin taking into account shell and head stresses and trunnion bearing sizes required to carry the load and to give the required openings for feeding and discharging the mills. Mill heads are key structural components of
SAG Mill Components. Once the basic operating conditions have been defined for the mill designer then, and only then, can he begin taking into account shell and head stresses and trunnion bearing sizes required to carry the load and to give the required openings for feeding and discharging the mills. Mill heads are key structural components of
Ring Motors vary the speed of the mill by changing the sta-tor frequency. A cycloconverter provides variable frequency for start, stop and speed variation during operation. Figure 1: Ring Motor of the 38’ SAG-Mill of Rio Paracatú Mineraçao; Brazil 3 Design Verification To assure reliability of operation the mechanical design must be verified.